Burning bamboo wood is prohibited in the scriptures, do not burn bamboo in any Havan or worship method.Even the use of bamboo wood is prohibited in the pyre. Bamboo wood is used for the bier, but it is also not burnt. According to the scriptures, Pitra Dosha is caused by burning bamboo. Is there any scientific reason for this?
Lead and heavy metals are abundant in bamboo. Lead forms lead oxide on burning, which is a dangerous nero toxic. Heavy metals also form oxides on burning.
But the burning of bamboo wood, which is prohibited in the scriptures, cannot be burnt even in a pyre, we burn that bamboo wood daily in incense sticks.
A special chemical called Phthalate is used to spread the fragrance produced by the burning of incense sticks. It is an ester of phthalic acid. It also enters the body with the breath.
In this way, the so-called aroma of incense sticks also reaches neurotoxic and hepatotoxic in the body along with breath. Its mere presence can cause cancer or brain stroke.
A small amount of hepato toxic is enough to destroy the liver.
In the scriptures, there is no mention of incense sticks anywhere in the rituals of worship. Sunshine is written everywhere.