I am the only village on which it is alleged that if you stay here, you will die of hunger.
I am the only village that is accused of illiteracy here.
I am the same village that is also accused of rudeness and uneducated cowherd.
Yes, I am the same village on whom my children left me and went away to big cities.
When my children leave me and I cry sobbing all night, still not dead. Even today, with a hope in my mind, I share the ill-fated eyelashes, my children may come, I do not even sleep in the urge to see.
But hi! Whatever has gone has become there. I want to ask all your children, are you not responsible for my plight?
Hey, I sent you to the city to earn and you left me and became a city. Where is my right? Do I not have the right to build a house, house, big school, college, institute, hospital, etc. with your income? Why should the city only have this right? Where do I go when I am giving all my earnings in the city? Why do not I get my rights?
In this corona crisis, all the laborers are running to the village, if not a car, then they walked hundreds of miles with their children. Those who left me and went to the city saying that if they stay in the village, they will die of hunger, on what hope did they start returning to the village on foot? I think they definitely believe that once they reach the village, life will be saved, they will get plenty of food, the family will be saved. The truth is that the village never kills anyone with hunger. Yes my red Come on, I will not let you die of hunger.
Come, decorate me again, put chaupal on my lap again, roll wheels of chalk in my courtyard, grow grains in my fields, sit in the barns and eat alha, eat yourself, feed the world, Make mahua, beetle leaves of Palas, be Gopal, make my river talai talaiya, garden, gardening, grind the teeth of Bachbu Baba, love abuses, Ramajanam Kaka's ludicrous dialogue, Panditaine's familiar anger and beating, Dasaratha Sahu's sweet shawl and cobbler shop, Sambhi Sondhi Mahek, Laiya, Chana Kachri, Horha, Boot, Khesari are all calling you even today.
I know he will come to love me but he? Why would they come who merged in the glare of the city. The same house was built for houses, all the festivals, festivals and rituals are done from there, even if you call me, I do not even ask. I feel I have no right over them now? Oh no more, if Holi had come at least in Diwali itself, my pain would have reduced. I have the right over all the rites, nor would I at least do the shaving, janeu, marriage, and funeral in my lap. I am not saying that this is only my wish, it is also my need. My poor children who go away from me in search of livelihood will get employment here, then they will not have to run hundreds of miles on foot when an epidemic comes. I want to be self-sufficient. I can educate and cultivate my children better than the cities, I can also give daily bread to many here.
I am also an effective way to reduce stress. I can arrange to live in the lap of nature. I can do everything my red! Just come and visit me from time to time, be sure to put your wife and children in my lap, abandon the artificiality of the world. Drink not pot water for freeze, make a habit of eating in leaves and drinking in axes at festivals, putting on your cobbler's shoes, and tailor-stitched clothes, confectionery sweets, farm green vegetables, fruit flowers, Believing in cow's milk, bullock farming will never be in trouble. If you always want a happy life, then my Lal came in my lap and played for a few days, you are happy and I am also happy.