Every company has its unique personality, just like us. The unique nature of an organisation is known as its culture. In a team, people work together; there is an invisible but powerful force that influences the behaviour of the team member that is organisational culture. It includes expectations, experiences, philosophy and values found in a company. It is expressed in its self-image, inner working, interactions with the outer world and rules.
Dr Elliott Jaques introduced the term organisational culture in his book at first. According to him, “the culture of the factory is its customary and traditional way of thinking and doing works, which is shared to a greater or lesser level by all its members. Today, this concept is used in every part of our life.
The organisation culture refers to a culture in any like a school, university, NGO, government agency or in any company. The same concept is said as corporate or company culture in business. There are a lot of advantages to learning in any group.
Company get better aligning towards achieving its goal and vision, and its employee becomes motivated and loyal as well. It boasts a company’s productivity and performance.
However, one can notice this culture in the different form depending on its situation.
All in all, we can spill organisation culture into the following levels
Artefacts represent the visible elements like processes, goals, climate, dress codes, furniture and many more. The amazing part is that an outsider can see them but might not be able to understand why things are the way things are.
Espoused values
The leaders espouse espoused values; they most often are grounded in shared assumptions of how the organisation should be run. If it is different between the leader’s adopted value and this perception, the company may be in problem.
Assumptions are the real values of the culture; they refer to the views of the world itself. Take it into concern that these assumptions should need to correlate at least to a certain degree to the espoused leader’s values for the company to run in a smooth way.
We can say that the organisation culture is a system of shared assumptions, thoughts and principles that rule people behave in the organisations.
There is widespread acceptance that organisational cultures do exist and that they are a key driver in shaping organisational behaviours. One thing that is the fact that religion is continually being created, changed and splintered to make sure that the success of its company. It is unique for every organisation and one of the toughest things to change.