Indian sages, after their thousands of years of exploration, discovered thousands of thousands of secrets regarding this universe and reached the ultimate truth, which is the reason for the origin of this universe. Tantravidha originated from this knowledge.
The ancient rishis said about the element which is called knowledge, knowledge of Brahman, knowledge of Shiva, or knowledge of God, out of millions of millions, one tries to know it, and out of millions of those who try, only one can know it. Finds, this truth is being expressed in a modern way so that it can be understood, until it is not understood, the experiments of Tantra method cannot be done successfully.
Because until complete faith does not awaken and without the awakening of faith, no work in the world is successful, although this secret is so confidential that it has been going on secretly in the Guru-disciple tradition for thousands of years.
No one informs about this to anyone, but today distrust is being done towards this method. That's why the time has come to reveal this secret, otherwise this genre will disappear.
It has been told in Tantra Science that the universe is made of such a subtle element, which is pure, subtle, rare and supremely speedy and bright. A detailed process of creation of the universe has been told from this element, some have called this element as soul, some have called it soul. Some say Shiva, some say Brahma. This is the name given by different Indian sects.
The universe created from this element is functioning in the form of a specific energy.
Energy waves are being generated from this diagram, as is the energy diagram of this universe, so is the diagram of any natural entity, whether it is earth, sun, moon, and circle or nebula, similarly the energy diagram of every living being, Every plant, every germ, every atom is of.
And all are connected to each other, in the same way the cells of an organism are connected to each other. This energy diagram is as if the sun has a cube pole in its center, from there the rays that radiate from the surface are negative energy waves. But for the earth those waves i.e. the sun's rays are positive waves and because of those waves the nucleus of the earth works, for the earth it is the positive pole and the energy which is radiated from its surface is negative waves of the earth.
These negative waves of the earth are positive waves for us. Our origin is from the negative waves of the Sun and the negative waves of the earth, of all living beings and plants. This makes the nucleus of our heart and from this our diagram is made. This diagram is also the same and its Two (both feet) positive angles are attached to the earth and one is towards the sun (head), two negative angles are up (hands) and one is down (end of the spine).
The positive angle of the Earth is towards the Sun, two opposite to it, and a minus angle is opposite, two towards the Sun, the Sun's nebula has the same position from the center, the same order goes to the center of the universe.
In this way, our energy diagram is connected to the energy diagram of the universe through many chains.
When the thread-like triplet energy stream connected to the Anahata Chakra is severed from its center by taking out the subtle body, then the lotus of the Anahata Chakra separates from the body.
At this time the lotus is the form of energy light, which becomes the form of energy light, in which the whole energy body is confined along with its energy animals.
The ghost soul is also a subtle body. And this too can syncretize itself to some extent.
But there is a difference between this and Jyoti Kamal that the spirit soul cannot concentrate its energy form at one place.
It is an illusion that the spirit can assume any form, it hypnotizes others and shows a scene which is not there.
This action can only be performed by an advanced spirit soul, not all. The second belief is that the spirit enters the hole, this is also an illusion, the spirit has no control over the nature, it has no meaning to enter the hole, because the gross elements cannot stop it, it thinks like pollen from the stones.
But this lotus is not a ghost even though it is similar to a ghost, it is a centered subtle body. Expulsion of the Subtle Body When the filamentous root of the twin triple energy stream attached to the Anahata Chakra is severed from its center by taking out the subtle body, then the lotus of the Anahata Chakra separates from the body.
It is an illusion that the spirit can assume any form, it hypnotizes others and shows a scene which is not there. This action can only be performed by a spirit with advanced self-power, not all. Another belief is that the spirit enters the hole. This is also an illusion. The spirit has no control over the nature. That gross elements cannot stop her, she can pollute even stones.
But this lotus is not a ghost even though it is similar to a ghost, it is a centered subtle body.