There are rules for eating too. It is not that the stomach is to be filled, whether it is eaten or when one is hungry. Food not only quenches hunger, but also affects the body, mind and brain. The mind is polluted by the food of money earned from immorality (sin), while the fried, spicy, stale, rough and rich food leads to lust, anger, tension in the brain. Eating more or less amount of food than hunger makes the body diseased.
> It is not good to consume substances from which lubricants have been removed. Food should not be taken several times a day after a full stomach, very early morning or very evening. If you have had enough food in the morning, then it should not be done in the evening.
> It is useless to do the work which does not bring any benefit. One should not drink water from palm and should not eat food by keeping it in her lap.
> We should take food between 10 am to 11 am so that we can get energy to work throughout the day. Some people eat tea and breakfast in the morning and eat at night, which is not good for health.
> The food of the day should be light and digestible according to physical exertion. Dinner should be taken two or three hours before sleeping. One should eat food only when there is intense hunger.
> Ingala, which we also know by the name of Suryaswar or Suryanadi, should be eaten when it is going on, that is, breathing is going through the right nostril of the nose.
> One should not eat food while watching TV or reading newspaper.
> One who regularly eats home cooked food from the hands of his mother, sister, wife and daughter does not get sick easily, he is viva.
> Food should not be eaten in open place or public place because the sight of an unsatisfied person can attenuate the spiritual effect of your food. Food, hymns and sleeping should be done on screen.
> Eating with our elders increases inner happiness and their affection automatically starts showering on us.
> Never despise food brought from love and heart, even if you eat a particle from it, those who do not do so disrespect the food.
> Do not drink water or tea immediately after a meal. Horse riding, running, sitting, defecation etc. should not be done after meals.
> Curd, radish, sattu, sesame and rich food should not be taken at night. Salt, curd, sour substances, fish, jackfruit should not be taken with milk. Honey and ghee should not be consumed in equal quantity. Khichdi should not be eaten with milk and kheer.
What to do after meal:
Taking a walk during the day after meals and walking a hundred steps at night, lying on the left side or sitting in Vajrasana helps in digestion of food.
> Food should be taken three hours before sleeping at night.
> There should be a gap of at least 5 to 6 hours between the meals again.
> One should not eat food immediately after waking up after sleeping.
> Do not use sharp substances like chili and spices in the food.
> Do not eat food in case of burning sensation in throat and foul air.
> As far as possible, eat only undercooked food (fruits and salad sprouts etc.).
> Eating stale food causes many diseases.
> Do not drink water in between while eating, either drink water 30 minutes before the meal or 40 to 60 minutes after the meal.
> Avoid consumption of refined flour, white sugar, polished rice etc.
> Decrease the amount of salt, sweets, spices, ghee etc. in the food.
> Avoid consumption of tea, coffee, fried cheese, smoking, alcohol, and tobacco etc.
> One should drink juice and water once a week.
> Eat bread made of flour mixed with bran.
> Do not talk while eating food.
> Do not watch movies or television while having food.
> One should make a habit of passing urine after having a meal.
> Milk should always be drunk in the morning at breakfast time.
> Eating too much hot and too cold things has a harmful effect on our digestive system.
> Drinking whey after meals is very beneficial.
> Do not have sex for 3 hours after having a meal.
> After coming from the hot heat, while drinking water, the nostrils of both the nostrils should be closed with one hand.
> Chew the food so much that it becomes water from which food will be digested quickly.