Parasitic diseases are basically an infectious disease that is caused by a parasite. It can affect all living organisms like plants, human, mammals. They are living things that use other living this to live like your body. You get them from food, water etc. They are small in size, and you can only see one of its types, protozoa from your eyes.
All parasites are not harmful, some of them harm us. Firslty, they grow, reproduce then invade our organ system and make us sick. Some of the common parasitic disease includes malaria, itch, and balance water fever, enterobiasis, myiasis, phthiriasis, scabies, trombiculosis and many more. These diseases are significant health issues mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of the world.
Symptoms of parasitic infections
The symptoms of the infectious and parasitic disease are not so severe to find as they are ubiquitous. Inching, abdominal pain, weight loss, increased appetite, diarrhoea, gas, vomiting, sleeping problems, dehydration are some noticeable situations.
What the Main Reasons that Parasitic Disease Enter in Our Body?
- Parasites mainly enter your body through skin or mouth.
- It is found that close contact with pets can give your parasite infestation.
- Lack of hygiene is also a big reason for having the parasitic disease to a huge number of people.
How are these Diseases Diagnosed and Treated?
Doctor adopts multiple ways to diagnose this disease; some of them are given below:
- Blood Test
- Faecal Test
- X-ray and MRI and many more
The proceeded of treatment entirely depends on the diagnosis report. Doctors mainly recommend medicines or other treatment.
How to Save Yourself from Parasitic?
By adopting some safety measures, you can save yourself from these parasitic. Like, always drink clean water, wash your hand on a regular basis, cook food to its internal temperature, don’t swallow water from lakes, ponds or streams. If you get any suspect that you have a parasitic infection and then consult with your doctor as soon as possible.
If you are travelling to anywhere or staying away from your home, they always drink the water you know is safe, here bottled water can be your solution.
It is said that the right prevention can vanish the problem form its base, so adopt some preventive ways and keep you away from it. It is especially important as there is no vaccine for the parasitic disease.
Progressive Steps to Get Rid of it
Many research, training, infectious disease surveillance, development and invention of latest techniques are being adopted for monitoring, prevention and control of infectious diseases. This approach allowed the progress of effective steps on diagnosis and treatment of them. However, the problem is still incresing, and actively affecting people worldwide.
Infectious and Parasitic disease are serious health concern, but if with few steps you can save yourself, then there is no loss in lt. However, precaution is not enough, if still you notice any of the above or different symptoms, and then consults your physician instantly.