You all know that no two people are found in the world whose thoughts are 100% the same. Whether it is two brothers, two sisters, husband and wife, father and son, mother and daughter, two neighbours, two friends, any two persons, 100% thoughts never match between any two persons. Someone's views match 50%. Some have 60%, some have 70%, and maybe 80% of some's thoughts are similar, still 10/20% is lacking. That's all there is a difference of opinion.
But we have to do our work and live life in association with them. Alone no one can live life properly. Wherever thoughts meet with each other, there is happiness. And where ideas do not meet, there is a clash, there there is unhappiness, and there is also an obstacle in working.
Someone lives in the family. A society lives in an organization. Whatever way a person is living his life, and working together with others, situations of conflict of ideas are seen everywhere. People live and work together in a family. Let's protect our family. It's a good thing. In the same way, some people work together in social organizations for charity, service to the country, protection of religion. That too is a very good thing, it must be done.
But when some people work together in the family, in the institution, in the society, in the organization, then due to the clash of ideas, there is bound to be animosity, hatred or even fighting. Somewhere there are fewer fights, somewhere more. Some people leave the family and organization etc. due to fear of those quarrels and attachment-hatred etc. It is not proper to do so. (If the conflict is on a large scale, and it causes special harm, then the family or institution should be left, otherwise not.)
If the situation of conflict is normal, minor, then the family, society, institution etc. should not be abandoned. Rather, we should sit together and think. That conflict situation should be removed. Whatever is proved to be true by evidence and logic, everyone should accept it, don't be stubborn. By doing this the conflict will go away. Mutual love will remain in the organization. And everyone will be able to remain stable in the family and in the organization for a long time and will also be able to work. We will do good for ourselves and the country and society will also be served. Many times due to the circumstances also some things have to be compromised. That too has to be done. Like nowadays due to Corona virus you have to make many compromises in your business dealings. By saying compromise, I do not mean lying, cheating, dishonesty. For this everyone has to increase their tolerance. Everyone has to control their desires. Leaving your pride, you have to pay attention to the common good, and thoughts have to be coordinated.
If coordination is not made by sitting in this way, then gradually the conflict will increase. In the end families will break up, institutions will break down. Neither one will be able to live a personal life properly, nor will any country be able to progress in religion and society.
So how to coordinate thoughts? How to run the family or organization? The answer to this question is that - those who are the director, main person or high official in the family or institution, they should plan together with other officials or associates. Give respect to others too. Don't run a dictatorship alone. Where dictatorship runs alone, things get spoiled there. Because no one person is omniscient. While making plans, while thinking, and while taking decisions, some parts are left out, on which it is necessary to contemplate. If he alone takes decisions in all the works, there will be mistakes somewhere. That's why if many intelligent people think together, examine with evidence and then decide, then the mistakes will be minimal, or will not happen. Then it will be in everyone's interest. Everyone's happiness will increase. This is how the family, organization etc. should be run.
While taking decisions in such a system, everyone's thoughts are different, and everyone's wishes are also different, so everyone's wishes cannot be fulfilled at the same time. Then someone will be happy, and someone will be angry. What should be done then? So, The point of wisdom there is that everyone's wishes, everyone's views should be heard. Then all of them should be coordinated. And such work should be done by taking such a decision that everyone's progress, everyone's benefit, everyone's happiness increases. Don't give priority only to your pride or stubbornness.
Someone's wish will be fulfilled in it and someone's will not. In such a situation, if someone's wish is not fulfilled, then he should not think that "My wish is not fulfilled, therefore I will not do this work, or will not cooperate in it." To think like this and to do like this is not wisdom, but foolishness. Because such a person harms the whole society due to his personal selfishness and stubbornness.
The sages have said "One should be dependent in following social rules, and independent in personal actions." So being dependent there in social work, we have to give up our desires and cooperate with the society. Will have to increase some patience. This is the way to live life well and make it successful.