Before the creation of the universe, Brahma created the gods Agni, Varuna, Pawan etc. But it could not be decided where these Devgans would reside.
He said to Brahma - Supreme Father, we are the five elements. You are willing to create the universe from our part. But we are suffering from hunger and thirst. First make arrangements for our stay so that we can take food.
On his prayer, Brahma made a cow's body and showed it and asked if he would reside in it. Gods said - this body is good but it is not suitable for us. Make some other arrangements.
Then Brahma created the body of a horse. Seeing the horse well, the gods said that even this will not work for them. Confusion was increasing in front of the Supreme Father.
Then God thought and created the human body. The gods liked this body. He told Brahma that this is the most beautiful creation and we will live in it.
Brahma told all the gods to enter this human body after seeing the best place you deserve.
Agni made a place in the stomach. Varuna encamped in Rasna i.e. tongue, Vayudev in the form of Pranavayu in the nose, Akash in every empty part of the body.
In this way, when everyone had chosen a place for himself, hunger and thirst asked Brahma to make some arrangements for them too.
Brahma said - There is no need for separate arrangements for you. I distribute both among these gods. You will have a share in their diet. Their satisfaction will give you satisfaction.
Everyone's place has been made. Brahma made hunger and thirst with every deity. The deities were worried that if there was no food for their sustenance, how would the work be done. If there is no satisfaction then everyone will die fighting.
Brahma made food. Anna felt that even before giving birth to me, Brahma had made me my destroyer. As soon as he was born, he ran away to save his life. The body of man made by the combination of all the gods used speech to control him. Vani started reciting mantras to catch the food, but the food could not be caught by her. Everyone reached to the Supreme Father and narrated the whole incident. Brahma said - To satisfy hunger, you will not get food just by reciting mantras. You try everything else.
After that the olfactory organs i.e. nose, ear, eye, skin all tried to catch the food but no one could catch the food.
Everyone then went to Brahma to plead. Brahma said - Food says that it will not be obtained by smelling, touching or listening to man. If you want to eradicate hunger, then do some other measures.
In the end, that man was successful in getting the food to enter his body through the mouth. By sacrificing himself, food satisfied all the deities residing in the human body.
When the deities got satisfaction in the body, then the communication of life took place. Means life has come in the body.
Now the God thought that if a human becomes capable on its own in this way, but it will need me at every step. How will it be alone after all?
Brahma created all the other things in the world to end the loneliness of man. Seeing the creation of Brahma, that human body with life realized that this work is not in my control. Surely there is some power which is more powerful than me.
The human body thought - even though that power is invisible but it is supernatural. He is in every movement and is omnipotent. As soon as such a thought came, he realized that he had seen God. God is the doer of this world.
Now Brahma was satisfied and he left the man to pursue his life and then engaged in other works.
Think, if a man's stomach was filled by saying some mantra, or seeing, touching, smelling it, then the world would have stopped there. Where would the purpose of Brahma be fulfilled?