Every day a sailor used to take monk from this side to the other side, I would not take anything instead, where did the monk have money anyway?
The navigator was simple, no study, but great understanding.
Monk would speak of knowledge on the way, sometimes speaking of the omnipresence of God, and sometimes telling verses of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita with meaning.
The sailor would listen intently to the fisherman, and would sit in the heart of monk.
One day on crossing the other side, the monks took the sailor to his hut, and said, I was a merchant first, had made money, but had not saved my family from disaster, now this money is of no use to me You take it, your life will be cherished, your family will also be well.
No Mr. monk, I cannot take this money, free money will spoil your conduct as soon as you go home, no one will work hard, lazy life will covet greed, and increase sin.
You tell me about God, I have seen that many times even in waves nowadays.
When I am only in his eyes, then why should I disbelieve, I do my work, and leave the rest to him.
The episode ended, but left a question, who was the monk in these two characters?
One was the one who suffered, then wore saffron, retired, studied religious texts, memorized, and came into a position to explain, yet could not leave the mother of wealth, kept looking for Successor.
And that poor sailor, on the other hand, ate in the morning, so the evening is not known, yet there is no urge for foreign money,
While coming to the world, he came to be disillusioned, did not wear saffron, did not renounce, but his faith in divine power froze.
Not only understood the verses of Srimad Bhagavadgita but also learned how to bring them into practical life, and in a moment, the temptation of wealth was rejected.
Think who the recluse really is.
That is good enough
Who's cool
He has all !!